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Sunday, February 19, 2017

Nice quotes by me

I respect a person not for who he/she is but for what he/she does

Log Taarif bhi karte aur gaali bhi dete. Tum bas apna kaam karo.

Which means:
People around praise as well as criticise you. Keep working.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Word suggestion story


Now I'll post a story here. This was written by me on phone not by using the keyboard but by just word suggestions. These kind of stories tell a lot about what you type in phone everyday.

I am having problems with my phone number. The person who has asked me if I can get the link below to verify that the cadbury silk road is not mentioned in your proofs. The question whose name is a choice regarding uploading the artificial sweeteners to kritin is not der in the middle of the question. Hi and welcome to the automated email which Biswadip Barua is not safe and also how true. 

I will be joining cognizant technology solutions to help us with vijaykumar to go to US Treasury department. The options are available for your reference books from the COE office to go to US.

Hi and thanks again for your time till now. I have no clue what is the equivalent percentage of marks on campus accommodation. I am interested in attending the meeting on Monday morning and then we'll see how you feel like. 

The question of whether she was given to the telugu version of this message was sent to you and your family in the same building. 

Hi baite to kritin biswa and also how true this is Goutham? I am having a great day ahead of me and I hate the same from all over here before choosing the batch to go to US Treasury department.

Steps to follow:

  1. U give the initial word.                        
  2. Mine are hi, I, the .                       
  3. Then u choose the next word.                        
  4. Then so on making sure the sentence makes sense.
Thanks for reading

Sunday, February 5, 2017

I have walked past the GATE


Today I attempted Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE). In spite being in my college for project work, I came to Hyderabad by train on 3rd February and revised a bit of communications, analog and digital electronics. Being with my mother during crucial times makes me feel secure. Feelings before and after the exam are contrasting. Let me elaborate:


  • Nervousness and inability to fall asleep
  • Higher heart rate 
  • Preoccupied with books

  • Sudden feeling of emptiness and responsibility
  • Normal heart rate
  • Preoccupied with PC
I did not forget not to get tense this time as getting so in these type of exams has costed me. I did deep breathing 20 minutes ahead of the start and it helped me stay calm for the next 3 hours. I read about a 4X4 method in a fitness website. It says you continuously inhale for 4 seconds and then exhale for 4 seconds when faced with a stressful situation.

Thanks for reading.
