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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Good news and bad news

Hey folks!
Let me share. There is good as well as bad news.
Good news is my winter holidays start from now, highly unexpected.
Bad news is all end semester exams are postponed to post-vacation i.e. exams to be written after returning from home.
All this happened because the city near my college, Chennai was drowned since two weeks and situation is still very bad. The next semester will be the worse because time will get wasted up in conducting exams and lessons are to be rushed up in short duration. Even semesters are shorter than odd ones.
So whom to blame?
It is certainly not my college. Lets not blame it this time...
Two culprits:
1. Chennai metropolitan development board (CMDB): key people didn't take care much about desilting the city's drainage pipes and lied that the underground network is 'fit' to take heavy downpours to gut inspite of being warned from meterology department.
2. Climate change: This time weekend rainfall broke all previous ten years' record(to 243mm) flooding all streets of Chennai and other cities in Tamil Nadu. This unusual pattern can be attributed to climate change(my opinion).
All of us at hostel have got mixed feelings. Exams being postponed made us a bit relieved and also angry at same time. We waited for three weeks, preparing ourselves mentally to face all exams but only to know that we have to leave for home without writing even one.
As I write Kritin is pressing his fungus filled clothes while Tanishq is watching some hollywood movie. We three will clear in next 48 hours. Home awaits us, our next asylum.
Read me then

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Quotes that I stuck around


Everyone likes staying motivated rather than doing something motivating. Either way, motivation comes first. These are quotes I have been sticking around since two months to help myself stay motivated.

Top motivator nowadays is Call of Duty. Yes! Call of Duty! The game says it all.

>The only easy day was yesterday
>Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of light!
>Hey Goutham! You have all the time on this planet to do anything you wish. Just do it!
>Start the ground work
>The life you knew before is gone. Today, we fight to bring it back - Captain Price
>All it takes to change the course of  of history is the will of a single man - Vladimir Makarov

A word about Captain Price:
He has become my new inspiration.